Home Office


Category: Benefits

Author: Srivari

5 Tips To Setup Your Home Office

Working from home has become a trend due to the lockdown. But it may become a norm, too!

There has been news that many major IT companies are considering to follow work-from-home protocol for the next few years. The management in such companies has noticed that their work is not getting hindered even when people are working from home. So, this way of working can actually prove to be an ideal option, as they will be able to bring down operational costs hugely without compromising on timelines and quality of work.

If it comes to this, then having your own dedicated office space at home can help you stay at your productive best. It can help you stay in the work ‘zone’, work comfortably, provide privacy, remove distractions and whatnot.

So here are some tips that will help you in planning such a space at home:

1.Dedicate a private space

Having a separate room for working will help you avoid distractions from your spouse, kids or pets while you work. This, in turn, will help you stay focused. Moreover, isn’t it awkward to have background noises of your kids shouting, your dog barking or your family chatting while you are on a conference call with your team? Or worse yet, your client? A dedicated office room will help you avoid this.

2.Invest in office furniture

An office desk and an office chair are the bare minimum you should get for your home office. Because you may not feel very productive working from a sofa or a bed. Moreover, office furniture will also help you work comfortably while maintaining the right posture and avoid related problems.

3.Ensure natural light and air circulation

Working in a well-lit and properly ventilated environment will make you feel fresh. Moreover, some researches have shown that it helps you stay productive too.

4.Incorporate green color

According to Feng Shui, the colour green is associated with freshness, growth and the feeling of calm. Also, research done at the University of Munich states that the colour green can stir up productivity and creativity. So, you can either paint your walls green or get some home plants.

5.Avoid clutter

Working in a cluttered space can make you feel confused and restless. Avoid clutter by keeping your documents in file cabinets and arranging the wires inside the room properly. Also, avoid using the room for anything else and do not add irrelevant items to your home office.

With your own well-organised and private office space, you might as well stop dreading working from home! Here’s to more productive work-from-home days ahead.

Also, in case you are looking for a new home, ensure that it is spacious enough to incorporate such needs. We, at Srivari Group, have a couple of projects with luxury apartments in Coimbatore, which suit such requirements.

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